My Girlfriend Still Thinks About Her Ex
13,737 91%
As much as I shower her with affection, give her attention all the time and strive to give her a good treatment in bed during our sex, she keeps thinking about her ex and his huge cock that surely made her sigh with horniness and desire during sex. I know that while we were both fucking, she imagined herself falling with her mouth on his huge cock, sucking that huge head and sitting like a naughty girl with her drooling pussy swallowing it all, just waiting for him to fill her pussy with creamy cum at the end of each slutty....
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Minha namorada não esquece o ex dela de jeito nenhum.
Isso tem me incomodado bastante ultimamente.
Houve uma briga séria entre nós por causa disso.
Desde o início da nossa relação, percebi algumas coisas estranhas em relação ao ex dela.
Mas na época não dei muita importância e segui em frente.